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Saving the Race Course - MidDay

Posted on - 19 Apr 2012


Saving the Race Course
Vivek Jain the dynamic and charming Chairman of the RWITC, who has worked tirelessly to make the Race Course a thing of beauty and a joy forever for Mumbaikars across the board, set off alarm bells ringing in our head when he told us that the lease for SoBo’s prime 200 acres of green space runs out next year! “ We’ve staved off plans to convert it in to an underground parking lot, a fly over, shed for railway rakes, a hotel and all kinds of threats,” says Vivek, who in a bid to divest the course from its elite tag and bring in people from all walks of city life has introduced art and culture exhibitions, jogging tracks and football coaching classes.
“ Our biggest supports to save Mumbai’s vital green lungs are the media and common citizens of Mumbai who say they will march with me against its take over.” Count us in, we say!

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