Conduct contests of skill and award prizes to the public to generate interest.
Advertise on the CCTV transmission at all centers (free of charge).
Have full rights for on-site branding across the stands.
Name the race to suit its preference.
Have its CEO / nominee present the trophy.
Be entitled to the free use of lawns above a certain value of sponsorship.
Arrange for live entertainment at race time or before or after the event.
Promote the race via mailers/press.
Have access to the Club's 7000+ membership data.
Have reserved parking and seating for its guests.
Have free promotion on the website with links to other racing websites.
Get coverage on a major television network at special rates (with select races telecast live).
The Mumbai Racing Season runs from mid-November to end-April and racing is on most Sundays and Thursdays. In Pune, the season is from August to October, with racing on all Saturdays and Sundays.