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VRC to display Melbourne Cup I TNN

Posted on - 25 Feb 2012

VRC to display Melbourne Cup

Mumbai: Victoria Racing Club (VRC) in conjunction with the Victorian State Government Super Trade Mission, are bringing a special feel to the Poonawalla Breeders’ Multi Million by hosting the Melbourne Cup at the Mahalaxmi race course on Sunday. 

“We are working towards reducing the quarantine period for foreign horses wishing to participate in Australian racing,” said Amanda Elliott, vice-chairman of VRC to TOI. At present it is three weeks in the host country and another three in Australia. 
VRC have especially flown in the 2012 Melbourne Cup, valued at over 9 million rupees, in 18 carat gold, is one of the world’s most sought after prizes in thoroughbred racing with stakes money worth 312 million rupees. 
Vivek Jain, Chairman, RWITC, stated “ We are delighted to welcome Australian delegation. The idea is to build reciprocal ties between the two countries for our major races. We hope that we see an increased number of visitors from India for the Melbourne Cup, and from Australia for our major races such as the Derby.”

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