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A Tribute To Dady Adenwalla - By Adi Narielwala

Posted on - 23 Feb 2012


Dady Adenwalla – What more needs to be said?  As Mohit Lalwani mentioned in his orbituary, Dady was a ‘Man of Substance’, what many people did not know was that beneath his gruff exterior and flammable temper, (He once chased a leading jockey around the paddock for loosing a certain race) was a gentle soul, with an infectious smile.  He could yell and scream his head off at you and the next second he would be smiling at you and laughing with you.
His happy moments were when his horses won and ran true to form, his happiest being when Ipi Tombi won the Indian 2000 Guineas for his best friend Jang Bang Janjoo Dubash.  Rock of Gibraltar was undoubtedly his favourite horse and like the horse, Dady was the RWITC’s ROCK OF GIBRALTAR, be it when he trained, or when he was stiping at the RWITC as the Chief Stipendiary Steward, or when he was elected to the Board of Appeal.  He was a No Nonsense Man, whose motto was “Every professional had a right to be heard and has a right to Natural Justice” this was his dictat and he followed it to a tee.
 Whatever I have learnt about horses, I have learnt from Dady, I would not be on the Race Course, if it were not for him.  As a young boy, I followed him around marveling at his ability to notice the minutest defects and strengths of the horse, which he would patiently explain to me.  There are so many fond and happy memories that come to mind.  Even today 26 years after retiring from training horses he fondly gazed at the horses walking in the paddock as if they were his friends, picking out their plus points.  Every time he noticed a good horse he made it a point to be present at the Race Course to see the horse lives up to its reputation and perform.  He never liked to see a good horse getting beaten and silently wept when Jacqueline lost the Indian Invitation Cup a few years back.  He always looked at the animal like a proud father;
his only pleasure - watching the horse in motion.
That was Dady Adenwalla a Man in Motion, who divided his time between Mumbai & Pune.  If Dady had moved to Pune you knew that Mumbai Racing had stopped and Pune Racing was about to start.  His world was his daughter Shireen and the horses, be it his own or his friends he wanted to be surrounded by them.
His proudest moment was when the RWITC Ltd. decorated him with The Lifetime Achievement Award.  He was so overcome with the emotion that he could not speak and all he managed to say was a simple Thank You. Dady received a standing ovation that day, one which has never been seen before.  When he came down from the dais, he humble asked me whether he deserved the adulation.  If anyone deserved this award, it was Dady.
Dady Adenwala I salute you Sir, not just for your expertise in training horses, not only for your stiping, not for your knowledge and help in the Appeal Board, but for being just you.
They say that Dady Adenwalla is no more, but they are mistaken, he will always be there in spirit.  Every time a horse comes into the paddock, every time a good horse runs and passes the winning post, Dady will be there smiling.
My dear gentle cousin, I will miss you as will everyone else who knows you.  Racing has lost a good and lovable man, may you rest in peace.

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