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Sheet Prospectus for Mumbai Meeting 2019/2020 (To Be Conducted In Pune)

Posted on - 05 Nov 2019

To : All Trainers
Sunday, 17th November 2019
The Royal Calcutta Turf Club Trophy
A Trophy value of about Rs. 25,000 or in specie at the option of the Owner.
                        Owner           Trainer   Jockey      Total         Performance
                          (Rs.)             (Rs.)        (Rs.)         (Rs.)        Incentive (Rs.)
the Trophy &   2,52,450       30,600     22,950     3,06,000                61,200
Second              1,08,900       13,200      9,900     1,32,000               26,400
Third                    69,300         8,400        6,300         84,000             16,800
Fourth                  44,550         5,400        4,050         54,000             10,800
Fifth                     19,800         2,400        1,800         24,000               4,800
Total                                                                         6,00,000         1,20,000
Class I; A Handicap for Horses rated 80 and upward (60 to 79 eligible).
(About) 1400 Metres.
The Abeeta Plate
                           Owner           Trainer   Jockey      Total         Performance
                            (Rs.)             (Rs.)        (Rs.)         (Rs.)        Incentive (Rs.)
Winner              1,89,337       22,950      17,213     2,29,500             45,900
Second                 81,675        9,900        7,425         99,000             19,800
Third                    51,975         6,300        4,725         63,000             12,600
Fourth                  33,412         4,050        3,038         40,500               8,100
Fifth                     14,850         1,800        1,350         18,000               3,600
Total                                                                        4,50,000             90,000
Class III; A Handicap for Indian Horses rated 40 to 66 (20 to 39 eligible).
(About) 1000 Metres.
The Snow Dew Plate
                         Owner           Trainer   Jockey      Total         Performance
                            (Rs.)             (Rs.)        (Rs.)         (Rs.)        Incentive (Rs.)
Winner              1,89,337       22,950      17,213     2,29,500             45,900
Second                81,675         9,900        7,425         99,000             19,800
Third                    51,975         6,300        4,725         63,000             12,600
Fourth                  33,412         4,050        3,038         40,500               8,100
Fifth                     14,850         1,800        1,350         18,000               3,600
Total                                                                        4,50,000             90,000
Class III; A Handicap for Indian Horses rated 40 to 66 (20 to 39 eligible).
(About) 1400 Metres.
The Vesuvius Plate
                          Owner           Trainer   Jockey      Total         Performance
                            (Rs.)             (Rs.)        (Rs.)         (Rs.)        Incentive (Rs.)
Winner              1,57,781       19,125     14,344     1,91,250             38,250
Second                68,062         8,250        6,188       82,500             16,500
Third                    43,312         5,250        3,938       52,500             10,500
Fourth                 27,844         3,375        2,531        33,750               6,750
Fifth                     12,375         1,500        1,125       15,000               3,000
Total                                                                      3,75,000             75,000
Class IV; A Handicap for Indian Horses, 4 years old and over, rated 20 to 46 (0 to 19 eligible).
(About) 1200 Metres.
The Maple Star Plate
                         Owner          Trainer   Jockey      Total         Performance
                            (Rs.)           (Rs.)        (Rs.)         (Rs.)        Incentive (Rs.)
Winner             1,57,781       19,125     14,344     1,91,250             38,250
Second               68,062         8,250        6,188       82,500             16,500
Third                   43,312         5,250        3,938       52,500             10,500
Fourth                 27,844         3,375        2,531       33,750               6,750
Fifth                    12,375         1,500        1,125       15,000               3,000
Total                                                                     3,75,000             75,000
Class IV; A Handicap for Indian Horses rated 20 to 46 (0 to 19 eligible).
(About) 1600 Metres.
The Astral Flash Plate
                         Owner          Trainer   Jockey      Total         Performance
                            (Rs.)           (Rs.)        (Rs.)         (Rs.)        Incentive (Rs.)
Winner             1,26,225       15,300     11,475     1,53,000             30,600
Second                54,450         6,600      4,950         66,000             13,200
Third                    34,650         4,200      3,150         42,000               8,400
Fourth                 22,275         2,700       2,025         27,000               5,400
Fifth                       9,900         1,200         900         12,000               2,400
Total                                                                      3,00,000             60,000
Class V; A Handicap for Indian Horses rated 4 to 30.
(About) 1400 Metres.
The Raza Ali Plate
                         Owner          Trainer   Jockey         Total         Performance
                             (Rs.)           (Rs.)        (Rs.)           (Rs.)        Incentive (Rs.)
Winner               1,57,781       19,125     14,344       1,91,250             38,250
Second                 68,062         8,250        6,188         82,500             16,500
Third                     43,312         5,250        3,938         52,500             10,500
Fourth                   27,844         3,375        2,531         33,750               6,750
Fifth                      12,375         1,500        1,125         15,000               3,000
Total                                                                         3,75,000             75,000
A Handicap for Maiden Indian Horses, 3 years old only, rated 20 to 46 (0 to 19 eligible).
(About) 1200 Metres.
Entries : 10.30 a.m. on Friday, 8th November 2019
Handicaps : by 4.00 p.m. on Friday, 8th November 2019
Acceptance : 10.30 a.m. on Thursday, 14th November 2019
Declaration : 10.30 a.m. on Friday, 15th November 2019
Sunday, 24th November 2019
The A Campbell Trophy
A Trophy value of about Rs. 25,000 or in specie at the option of the Owner.
                            Owner        Trainer      Jockey        Total     Performance
                               (Rs.)          (Rs.)          (Rs.)           (Rs.)    Incentive (Rs.)
the Trophy &       2,20,894       26,775     20,081     2,67,750         53,550
Second                   95,287        11,550        8,663     1,15,500        23,100
Third                       60,637         7,350        5,513         73,500        14,700
Fourth                     38,981         4,725        3,544         47,250          9,450
Fifth                        17,325         2,100        1,575         21,000          4,200
Total                                                                           5,25,000     1,05,000
Class II; A Handicap for Horses rated 60 to 86 (40 to 59 eligible).
(About) 1400 Metres.
The K J K Irani Plate
                        Owner          Trainer         Jockey          Total         Performance
                            (Rs.)           (Rs.)             (Rs.)             (Rs.)        Incentive (Rs.)
Winner             1,89,337       22,950           17,213         2,29,500             45,900
Second                81,675         9,900             7,425            99,000             19,800
Third                    51,975         6,300            4,725            63,000             12,600
Fourth                 33,412         4,050             3,038            40,500               8,100
Fifth                     14,850         1,800            1,350            18,000               3,600
Total                                                                               4,50,000             90,000
Class III; A Handicap for Indian Horses rated 40 to 66 (20 to 39 eligible).
(About) 1200 Metres.
The Master Shifu Plate
                        Owner          Trainer      Jockey      Total         Performance
                            (Rs.)           (Rs.)         (Rs.)          (Rs.)        Incentive (Rs.)
Winner             1,89,337       22,950       17,213      2,29,500            45,900
Second                81,675         9,900        7,425         99,000             19,800
Third                    51,975         6,300        4,725         63,000             12,600
Fourth                  33,412         4,050        3,038         40,500               8,100
Fifth                     14,850         1,800        1,350         18,000               3,600
Total                                                                        4,50,000             90,000
Class III; A Handicap for Indian Horses rated 40 to 66 (20 to 39 eligible).
(About) 1600 Metres.
The Secret Star Plate
                           Owner        Trainer      Jockey        Total     Performance
                             (Rs.)             (Rs.)        (Rs.)           (Rs.)    Incentive (Rs.)
Winner              1,57,781       19,125       14,344     1,91,250             38,250
Second                68,062          8,250        6,188         82,500             16,500
Third                    43,312         5,250         3,938         52,500             10,500
Fourth                 27,844          3,375         2,531         33,750               6,750
Fifth                     12,375         1,500         1,125         15,000               3,000
Total                                                                         3,75,000             75,000
Class IV; A Handicap for Indian Horses rated 20 to 46 (0 to 19 eligible).
(About) 1400 Metres.
The Bejan Bharucha Plate
                           Owner        Trainer      Jockey      Total     Performance
                             (Rs.)           (Rs.)          (Rs.)        (Rs.)    Incentive (Rs.)
Winner               1,26,225       15,300       11,475     1,53,000             30,600
Second                  54,450         6,600        4,950         66,000             13,200
Third                      34,650         4,200        3,150         42,000               8,400
Fourth                    22,275         2,700        2,025         27,000               5,400
Fifth                         9,900         1,200           900         12,000               2,400
Total                                                                          3,00,000             60,000
Class V; A Handicap for Indian Horses, 5 years old and over, rated 4 to 30.
(About) 1200 Metres.
The M D Petit Plate
                           Owner        Trainer      Jockey        Total     Performance
                             (Rs.)             (Rs.)        (Rs.)           (Rs.)    Incentive (Rs.)
Winner              1,26,225       15,300       11,475     1,53,000             30,600
Second                 54,450         6,600        4,950         66,000             13,200
Third                     34,650         4,200        3,150         42,000               8,400
Fourth                   22,275         2,700        2,025         27,000               5,400
Fifth                        9,900         1,200           900         12,000               2,400
Total                                                                         3,00,000             60,000
Class V; A Handicap for Indian Horses rated 4 to 30.
(About) 1600 Metres.
The Kiara Plate
                           Owner        Trainer      Jockey    Total     Performance
                             (Rs.)             (Rs.)      (Rs.)         (Rs.)    Incentive (Rs.)
Winner             2,52,450       30,600      22,950     3,06,000             61,200
Second             1,08,900       13,200        9,900     1,32,000             26,400
Third                    69,300         8,400        6,300        84,000             16,800
Fourth                 44,550         5,400        4,050         54,000             10,800
Fifth                     19,800         2,400        1,800         24,000               4,800
Total                                                                        6,00,000         1,20,000
For Maiden Indian Horses, 2 years old only.
Weights – Colts and Geldings, 55 Kg.; Fillies, 53.5 Kg.
(About) 1000 Metres.
Entries : 10.30 a.m. on Monday, 18th November 2019
Handicaps : by 4.00 p.m. on Monday, 18th November 2019
Acceptance : 10.30 a.m. on Thursday, 21st November 2019
Declaration : 10.30 a.m. on Friday, 22nd November 2019
Pune : 30th October 2019

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