The Experience starts with the Packaging - By Mohit Lalvani
Posted on - 07 May 2014
The Experience starts with the Packaging
By Mohit Lalvani in Hong Kong
It might be fair to say that the world is divided between Samsung and Apple users. Battle lines have been drawn between the two companies and for those who stand on that line, the first tangible experience comes with the packaging that Galaxys or iphones provide. It stems from the belief and the growing demand from market dynamics that it isn't just about the design or the functionality of the product but about emotive experience as well. An emotion that begins with the sense of sight. After all, wouldn't a consumer unsure of what to buy, choose the better package assuming a fair share of advantages for both?
At the Asian Racing Conference 2014, this was a clear message about the horse racing experience as well. The session which highlighted the innovations that were happening in the viewing experience discussed interactive and increasingly mobile platforms with second if not multiple screens.
Today's consumer needs to stay engaged once hooked and unless the television pictures look outstanding, he will literally and metaphorically switch to our competition. Technology is moving rapidly and as Gary Burns from Fox Sports explained, the viewer needs to be a part of what's going on. Referee cams, helmet cams and second screens are just minimal advances that are changing viewer experiences and reactions.
Indian racing uses analogue solutions to broadcast and if Indian racing is to look as good as the best sports broadcasts, it's probably time to throw out the baby with the bath water. It's hard to imagine that our present packaging would keep anyone but the most hard core racer away from the remote control or even a day out with friends and family.
Most countries are already using standard definition formats for broadcast and when I say most countries, it also includes Trinidad and Tobago. South Korea is in the process of going to high definition and within the next three years or so, for a product to look the part it will need to be available in high definition. Hong Kong is already talking about 4K and 8K televisions and the head of broadcast, Ms. Oona Chang isn't willing to fix a ceiling. Her latest Ipad app allows the viewer to make use of a seamless set of cameras to allow a user to change camera angles on his screen only by simple moving the Ipad around. This makes each viewer experience unique and with a comprehensive second screen, the mind of a viewer is engaged at all times. Almost every other sport is now being broadcast in HD with high end graphics and even if only for the punters to start with, Indian racing needs to jointly put together a solution that will ensure that in about three years from now, the product looks good and is interactive. It will increase betting, retain customers and in time draw new ones to industry either on the track or even in their living rooms.
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