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Introduction of Whistleblower Policy at the RWITC Ltd

Posted on - 25 Oct 2013

Introduction of “Whistleblower Policy” at the RWITC Ltd
Royal Western India Turf Club Ltd is one of the most reputed and renowned Clubs in India and has a rich history and heritage behind it. Since its inception, the Club has been very popular amongst all stratum of the society and thus it has grown inorganically to cater to various needs of the stakeholders. For RWITC, one of our most vital assets is our reputation for ethical behaviour and fair business dealing. But as you know, reputation is a very fragile asset and can be easily destroyed by actions or failures of any one of us. As conscientious citizens associated with the club, we want to conduct our business with integrity, in a lawful and responsible manner.
In today’s competitive environment, virtually all dealings are vulnerable to fraud and misconduct in the workplace and RWITC is no exception. A single breach by one of us can endanger the entire Club and thus it is imperative for us to establish a proactive approach by building a framework for reporting instances of unethical/improper conduct and actioning suitable steps to investigate and correct the same.
Our whistleblower policy is our step towards bridging the gap among all the stakeholders, to provide an ‘Early Warning System’ and to promote a strong culture of governance and ethics. To fortify our Whistleblowing initiative further, I am pleased to announce our association with EthicsCentre, an independent entity focused on ethics and governance, the purpose of which is to provide you with an alternate communication channel outside the company structure for reporting your concerns.  EthicsCentre is an avenue to bring genuine and serious issues with respect to unethical and/or improper practices to the fore in most transparent, confidential and anonymous manner. It is a platform for providing suggestions for improvement as well. I would also like to provide you an assurance that, I shall take all the necessary measures to protect every whistleblower making disclosures in good faith against an adverse personal action, victimization, retaliation or discrimination. You can report the concerns through following user friendly channel:
Online Portal:
Toll Free Hotline: 1800 220 256
Ethics Email ID:
I encourage you all in using EthicsCentreas a platform to uphold our core values and conduct our business with honesty, integrity and professionalism. 
With best regards,
Yours faithfully,
Mr.Khushroo N Dhunjibhoy

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