Foals of Star Qualities ( Diffident [FR] -Quality Exchange [USA])
Year of Foal Desc Horse Wins Stakes Won (Rs)
2008 ch f Drum Beat 2 2186600
2009 ch g Pitbull 5 1842992
2010 b f Quick Fire 4 1517918
2011 b g Nesto 7 4269596
2012 dk b g Sporting Trainer 5 1996032
2013 b f Sydney Harbour 2 2739080
2014 dk b f Oasis Breeze 1 286245
2015 ch f Albemarie 0 -
The above data has been collated from the records maintained by the Stud Book Authority of India and is as on
31st July 2022. It does not include details of siblings abroad or Indian horses' performances abroad.