Foals of Danseuse ( Rambo Dancer -Miss Formidare [GB])
Year of Foal Desc Horse Wins Stakes Won (Rs)
1999 b f Fire Dancer 9 1027760
2000 dk b g Fraud 11 1360729
2001 b g Easy Rider 11 2604875
2002 dk b c Commando Chief 2 673625
2003 b f Flo Nightingale 2 307900
2007 b g Scarlet Knight 10 2563194
2008 b f Romantic Beauty 2 684898
2009 b g Danse Debonaire 7 2074933
2010 b f Salsa 0 -
The above data has been collated from the records maintained by the Stud Book Authority of India and is as on
31st July 2022. It does not include details of siblings abroad or Indian horses' performances abroad.