Foals of Celtic Memories[IRE] ( Selkirk -Memories )
Year of Foal Desc Horse Wins Stakes Won (Rs)
2009 b g Smart Strider 26 9510742
2010 ch g Austin 4 906000
2011 ch g Celtic Prince 6 2539054
2013 ch g Star Comrade 4 1786252
2014 ch f Thea's Pet 1 505700
2015 b g Vijaya Sparkle 2 1394500
2016 ch f Memorable Memories 2 768087
2018 ch g War Emblem 2 569855
The above data has been collated from the records maintained by the Stud Book Authority of India and is as on
31st July 2022. It does not include details of siblings abroad or Indian horses' performances abroad.