
1. The Trophy (Class V; H'cap, Indian Horses rated 1 to 26)
(About) 2000 Metres. Time: 4.30 P.M.

Horse Name Color/Sex Age Weight Rating Breeding Trainer
BALENO b/f 4 59 24 Roderic O'Connor[IRE]-Southern Bay Karthik Ganapathy
Roderic O'Connor[IRE]-Southern Bay Karthik Ganapathy
ALPHA GENE b/g 7 56.5 19 Smuggler's Cove-Beldon Hill[USA] Ivor Fernandes
Smuggler's Cove-Beldon Hill[USA] Ivor Fernandes
SPEAK THE BREED ch/f 4 56.5 19 Speaking of Which[IRE]-Natalma Imtiaz A. Sait
Speaking of Which[IRE]-Natalma Imtiaz A. Sait
CASCADE b/m 5 56 18 Quasar-Penny Lane Behram Cama
Quasar-Penny Lane Behram Cama
NORTHBOUND b/g 6 55.5 17 Quasar-Pristina P. S. Chouhan
Quasar-Pristina P. S. Chouhan
WILLY WONKAA b/g 7 52.5 11 Smuggler's Cove-Enchanted Forest S. Waheed
Smuggler's Cove-Enchanted Forest S. Waheed
LEO THE LION dk b/g 6 52 10 Ampere[FR]-Cogito Ergo Sum Narendra Lagad
Ampere[FR]-Cogito Ergo Sum Narendra Lagad
Weights lowered by 1.5 kg at Handicap stage.
2. The Free Press Journal Trophy (The Times of India Trophy - Division II) (Terms, Maiden Indian Horses, 3 years old only)
(About) 1200 Metres. Time: 5.00 P.M.

Foreign Jockeys Eligible

Horse Name Color/Sex Age Weight Rating Breeding Trainer
ALLEZ L'ETOILE b/c 3 56 - Leitir Mor[IRE]-Sweeping Star Narendra Lagad
Leitir Mor[IRE]-Sweeping Star Narendra Lagad
CHARLIE BROWN ch/c 3 56 - Excellent Art[GB]-Queen's Guest Imtiaz A. Sait
Excellent Art[GB]-Queen's Guest Imtiaz A. Sait
EASTERN MONARCH b/c 3 56 - Dali[USA]-Honour Sanjay Kolse
Dali[USA]-Honour Sanjay Kolse
LUCIO b/g 3 56 - Lucifer Sam[USA]-Bullseye Shazaan Shah
Lucifer Sam[USA]-Bullseye Shazaan Shah
SKANDHA ch/c 3 56 - Planetaire[GB]-Ice Cube Baby Nazzak B Chenoy
Planetaire[GB]-Ice Cube Baby Nazzak B Chenoy
TRAIL BLAZER ch/c 3 56 - Sanus Per Aquam[IRE]-Carla Dallas Todywalla
Sanus Per Aquam[IRE]-Carla Dallas Todywalla
CHARISSE b/f 3 54.5 - Deauville[IRE]-Gift of Grace P. Shroff
Deauville[IRE]-Gift of Grace P. Shroff
LIGHTNING MCQUEEN b/f 3 54.5 - Phoenix Tower[USA]-Quesada[IRE] M. Narredu
Phoenix Tower[USA]-Quesada[IRE] M. Narredu
3. The Mid-Day Trophy (Class III; H'cap, Indian Horses rated 40 to 66) (20 to 39 eligible)
(About) 2000 Metres. Time: 5.30 P.M.

Horse Name Color/Sex Age Weight Rating Breeding Trainer
KIMIKO dk b/m 6 60 63 Win Legend[JPN]-Hauhaiwunai Karthik Ganapathy
Win Legend[JPN]-Hauhaiwunai Karthik Ganapathy
MULTIVERSE b/g 5 55 53 Speaking of Which[IRE]-Manifold Adhirajsingh Jodha
Speaking of Which[IRE]-Manifold Adhirajsingh Jodha
GORDON b/g 4 53.5 50 Holy Roman Emperor-Phantasmagoric[IRE] P. Shroff
Holy Roman Emperor-Phantasmagoric[IRE] P. Shroff
EATON SQUARE b/g 5 52 47 Multidimensional[IRE]-Xisca M. Narredu
Multidimensional[IRE]-Xisca M. Narredu
ENDURANCE b/g 5 52 47 Speaking of Which[IRE]-Supreme Princess Imtiaz A. Sait
Speaking of Which[IRE]-Supreme Princess Imtiaz A. Sait
BLACK THUNDER dk b/m 6 49 34 Ampere[FR]-Darkara[IRE] Rehanullah Khan
Ampere[FR]-Darkara[IRE] Rehanullah Khan
Weights lowered by 0.5 kg at Handicap stage.
4. The Times of India Trophy- Division I (Terms, Maiden Indian Horses, 3 years old only)
(About) 1200 Metres. Time: 6.00 P.M.

Foreign Jockeys Eligible

Horse Name Color/Sex Age Weight Rating Breeding Trainer
ALGONQUIN b/c 3 56 - Dreamfield[GB]-Auryn Dallas Todywalla
Dreamfield[GB]-Auryn Dallas Todywalla
MONEY FAIR b/c 3 56 - Total Gallery[IRE]-Sairani B. Prithviraj
Total Gallery[IRE]-Sairani B. Prithviraj
WRANGLER b/g 3 56 - Planetaire[GB]-Shaktiroop Imtiaz A. Sait
Planetaire[GB]-Shaktiroop Imtiaz A. Sait
AEON FLUX b/f 3 54.5 - Tenth Star[IRE]-Astra Faisal A. Abbas
Tenth Star[IRE]-Astra Faisal A. Abbas
AZALEA ch/f 3 54.5 - Leitir Mor[IRE]-Aviette P. Shroff
Leitir Mor[IRE]-Aviette P. Shroff
ELEVEN ELEVEN b/f 3 54.5 - Air Support[USA]-Cockayne[IRE] Aman Altaf Hussain
Air Support[USA]-Cockayne[IRE] Aman Altaf Hussain
FAY b/f 3 54.5 - Surfrider[IRE]-Shivalik Heroine Behram Cama
Surfrider[IRE]-Shivalik Heroine Behram Cama
KAVYA b/f 3 54.5 - Win Legend[JPN]-Maun Vrat[IRE] M. K. Jadhav
Win Legend[JPN]-Maun Vrat[IRE] M. K. Jadhav
NOORIE b/f 3 54.5 - Sanus Per Aquam[IRE]-Bostonia Deepesh Narredu
Sanus Per Aquam[IRE]-Bostonia Deepesh Narredu
5. The Trophy (Class V; H'cap, Indian Horses rated 1 to 26)
(About) 1000 Metres. Time: 6.30 P.M.

Horse Name Color/Sex Age Weight Rating Breeding Trainer
CONTINENTAL DRIFT dk b/g 4 61 25 Multidimensional[IRE]-Gloriosa Adhirajsingh Jodha
Multidimensional[IRE]-Gloriosa Adhirajsingh Jodha
COLLATERAL b/m 5 60 23 Fiero[JPN]-Up In Lights[IRE] H. J. Antia
Fiero[JPN]-Up In Lights[IRE] H. J. Antia
HILMA KLINT b/m 7 60 23 Excellent Art-Praise of Folly[GB] Narendra Lagad
Excellent Art-Praise of Folly[GB] Narendra Lagad
THE SENGOL QUEEN b/f 4 59.5 22 Surfrider[IRE]-Festive Cheer Sangramsinh N. Joshi
Surfrider[IRE]-Festive Cheer Sangramsinh N. Joshi
EKLA CHOLO b/g 4 59 21 Surfrider[IRE]-Narya[IRE] Faisal A. Abbas
Surfrider[IRE]-Narya[IRE] Faisal A. Abbas
UNTITLED b/g 12 58.5 20 Sussex-Overdrive H. J. Antia
Sussex-Overdrive H. J. Antia
FIDATO dk b/g 7 57.5 18 Surfrider-Mannat Narendra Lagad
Surfrider-Mannat Narendra Lagad
GOLD CAVIAR ch/g 4 57.5 18 David Livingston[IRE]-Vignelaure Rose[IRE] S. Waheed
David Livingston[IRE]-Vignelaure Rose[IRE] S. Waheed
LIGHTNING BLAZE b/m 6 51 5 Phoenix Tower[USA]-Bernsteinkuste[USA] Narendra Lagad
Phoenix Tower[USA]-Bernsteinkuste[USA] Narendra Lagad
6. The Hindu Trophy (Class II; H'cap, Horses rated 60 to 86) (40 to 59 eligible)
(About) 1200 Metres. Time: 7.00 P.M.

Horse Name Color/Sex Age Weight Rating Breeding Trainer
COEUR DE LION b/h 6 61 86 Roderic O'Connor[IRE]-Sweeping Star Narendra Lagad
Roderic O'Connor[IRE]-Sweeping Star Narendra Lagad
FIGHTON b/g 5 57 78 U S Navy Flag-Starletina[IRE] M. K. Jadhav
U S Navy Flag-Starletina[IRE] M. K. Jadhav
ATAASH b/m 6 56 76 Speaking of Which[IRE]-Sacred Fire Nazzak B Chenoy
Speaking of Which[IRE]-Sacred Fire Nazzak B Chenoy
AZRINAZ b/m 5 55.5 75 Roderic O'Connor[IRE]-Maleficent Karthik Ganapathy
Roderic O'Connor[IRE]-Maleficent Karthik Ganapathy
CREDENCE b/f 4 54.5 73 Excellent Art[GB]-Maleficent Shazaan Shah
Excellent Art[GB]-Maleficent Shazaan Shah
TIMELESS VISION ch/f 4 50 64 Cougar Mountain[IRE]-Timeless Love[IRE] Adhirajsingh Jodha
Cougar Mountain[IRE]-Timeless Love[IRE] Adhirajsingh Jodha
Weights lowered by 1 kg at Handicap stage.
7. The Race Mirror Trophy (Class IV; H'cap, Indian Horses rated 20 to 46) (0 to 19 eligible)
(About) 1400 Metres. Time: 7.30 P.M.

Horse Name Color/Sex Age Weight Rating Breeding Trainer
BELIEVE b/g 5 59 43 Planetaire[GB]-Noble Lady S. Waheed
Planetaire[GB]-Noble Lady S. Waheed
HAGIBIS b/g 6 57.5 40 Sussex[GB]-Bling H. J. Antia
Sussex[GB]-Bling H. J. Antia
CHARDIKALA ch/f 4 57 39 Western Aristocrat[USA]-Jersey Girl Altamaash A. Ahmed
Western Aristocrat[USA]-Jersey Girl Altamaash A. Ahmed
CHELSEA b/f 4 55.5 36 Western Aristocrat[USA]-Knockenduff[GB] P. S. Chouhan
Western Aristocrat[USA]-Knockenduff[GB] P. S. Chouhan
EMPOWER b/g 7 55.5 36 Leitir Mor-Elouana[IRE] Nazzak B Chenoy
Leitir Mor-Elouana[IRE] Nazzak B Chenoy
ETOILE b/m 5 54.5 34 Planetaire[GB]-Stardom Calling Bezan Chenoy
Planetaire[GB]-Stardom Calling Bezan Chenoy
SCORCESE b/g 5 54.5 34 Quasar-Zana Behram Cama
Quasar-Zana Behram Cama
PURE b/g 7 54 33 Excellent Art-Equine Love M. K. Jadhav
Excellent Art-Equine Love M. K. Jadhav
OKINAYUME b/g 4 52 29 Dreamfield[GB]-Practicallyperfect Karthik Ganapathy
Dreamfield[GB]-Practicallyperfect Karthik Ganapathy
10 SILVER STRIKE b/r 4 52 29 Total Gallery[IRE]-Elysee Faisal A. Abbas
Total Gallery[IRE]-Elysee Faisal A. Abbas
11 ESCONIDO gr/f 4 51 27 Leitir Mor[IRE]-Pure Allure S. Waheed
Leitir Mor[IRE]-Pure Allure S. Waheed
12 WILD CHILD ch/g 4 51 27 Sanus Per Aquam[IRE]-Miss Highjinks[USA] M. K. Jadhav
Sanus Per Aquam[IRE]-Miss Highjinks[USA] M. K. Jadhav
Weights lowered by 1.5 kg at Handicap stage.