Foals of Hall of Honour ( Riyahi [IRE] -Marchetta [#])
Year of Foal Desc Horse Wins Stakes Won (Rs)
2000 ch f Star Decoration 6 702068
2001 ch f Regius 1 135750
2003 b f Dreaming 2 534140
2005 ch f Originality 7 3755235
2006 b f Sea Honour 0 -
2007 ch g Hall of Glory 14 15405178
2008 b f Jiyolife 1 209350
2009 b c Ace Honour 0 156000
2010 dk b g Head of State 0 30000
2011 b g Khaleefa 0 230940
The above data has been collated from the records maintained by the Stud Book Authority of India and is as on
31st July 2022. It does not include details of siblings abroad or Indian horses' performances abroad.