Club class cartoon - Mid Day
Posted on - 03 Aug 2014
Club class cartoon
Mid Day
The Royal Western India Turf Club (RWITC) a little staid normally, is bringing a touch of fun and the zany to racing experience...
The club’s website has a cartoon which advertises its ongoing Pune racing season. The catchline, which aims to lure newbies to the racecourse and demystify racing reads: ‘If you never go, you will never know’.
This catchline which was also used in the Mumbai season shows a definite shift in RWITC’a strategy. The club has obviously moved away from its dependence on a crusty, old punter base, to trying to get novices to come to the races. All its programmes and promotion indicate that the club is making efforts to get more people into the racecourse (both Mumbai and Pune) by offering activities that add that little extra to the racing experience. We particularly like the cartoon that goes with the catchline and works as a banner at the top of the club’s web page. Like they say for everything these days, nice.
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