Track Work

Trackwork for 27 Mar 2024
600 Metres :
Liam (Mosin) 600/39 Moved nicely.
Rhythm of Nature (T.S.Jodha) 600/40 Easy.
Esperanza (RB) Candescent Star (RB) 600/37 Former finished 6 lengths ahead.
Ariyana Star (Kiran) Malakhi (Mansoor) 600/42 Pair moved together.
Giant King (Vishal) 600/38 Handy.
Eaton Square (Vishal) 600/39 Moved nicely.
800 Metres :
Madras Cheque (H.M.Akshay) Stellato (Malam) 800/54, 600/40 Former finished 2 lengths ahead.
Between Friends (T.S.Jodha) 800/53, 600/39 Moved nicely.
Time And Tide (Malam) 800/50, 600/37 Moved fluently.
Superimpose (Ajinkya) 800/55, 600/41 Easy.
Winter Agenda (Malam) Ghirardelli (C.S.Jodha) 800/52, 600/38 Pair finished level.
Abhidhyan (Kaviraj) Kanya Rashi (H.M.Akshay) 800/53, 600/39 Former finished 2 lengths ahead.
Dazzling Duchess (Vinod) 800/51, 600/38 Handy.
Ocean (H.M.Akshay) Into The Storm (Santosh) 800/51, 600/38 Pair moved together nicely.
Golden Neil (Mustakim) 800/51, 600/39 Moved nicely.
Cinderella’s Dream (Nazil) Dulari (Amyn) 800/52, 600/39 Pair moved together.
1000 Metres :
Chat (Nazil) 1000/1.07, 800/53, 600/40 Easy.
1200 Metres :
Dufy (Amyn) 1200/1.18, 1000/1.04, 800/52, 600/39 Moved nicely.
1400 Metres :
Mariana (Trevor) 1400/1.39, 600/45 Moved freely.
GATE PRACTICE – 1000 Metres :
Treat (Vishal) Speak The Breed (Mansoor) 1000/1.08, 800/54, 600/41 They took a smart jump. Former finished 6 lengths ahead.
Turn And Burn (Dhebe) India Strong (Parmar) Midnight Express (RB) 1000/1.03, 800/50, 600/38 They jumped out well, and were separated by 5 length & distance.
Goodfellow (Nazil) Metzinger (Sharukh) 1000/1.08, 800/53, 600/40 Jumped out well & moved together.
Lion King (RB) Mariella (App) 1000/1.06, 800/52, 600/40 They jumped out well, former finished 4 lengths ahead.